Thursday, September 18, 2014

Chemical Cycling and Energy Flow in an Ecosystem

Did you know that we as humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide? And did you know that plants and most other organisms do the exact same thing? But how? The ecosystem works in an amazing way. The sun is the light energy for the entire ecosystem. It keeps the plants growing, which are the producers for the ecosystem. Trees absorb water and minerals through its roots from the soil and its leaves take in carbon dioxide from the air. The leaves then release oxygen into the air. The consumers of the ecosystem are the animals. They eat the plants and other animals. Decomposers such as, worms, fungi, and bacteria return chemicals back to the soil by changing complex matter into simpler chemicals. The most basic chemicals necessary for life are carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and various minerals. As you can see, the ecosystem is a big, never ending cycle of producers and consumers. Nothing can do anything without the step before it and after it.


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